Weekly Update 19th-25th

 We done a lot this week, much around the subject of audio. It was a fun topic to learn and experiment with due to the given freedom over the levels of development included within it.

We started learning about Foley sounds and how people make certain sounds from everyday natural things. For example, rain could be either bacon sizzling or rice being shaken. Any one of these can be made just by using objects around us.

We as a class we’re set to find 10 sounds around the college without disturbing other classes. We all scoped the entire area. Some collected more than 10 such as I and pick out the best, whereas others kept it in that range.

I also messed around a bit more on flowlab looking around at other games on the site to see what was at the top. This gave me some insight on how I could possibly make a demo level/level more enjoyable than just some boring walk about coin picker.

Some other cool things were that when messing around with audio on some sites I have already given a link to on my blog, was that there were some interesting features that allowed the certain audio to be configured using effects. Using these effects allowed many more levels to be added to the foley sounds we provided, and by using just some knock on a hollow piece of wood could be turned into eerie footsteps in a horror game that provides depth to the surroundings.

On the weekend I played a super fun newly released game called Helldivers 2, and the graphics were magnificent. From lots of detail to weather to models to sounds. It had it all. The bit that really brought it together though was the sound effects they made for each type of bug and type of weapon. With the weapons, each round shot gave weight behind it giving it that deep quick fired shot. And when it game to the bugs or robots, each one had detailed sound effects, and when a certain weapon hit either one, the sound that came off it would correspond to the material of the skin/armour. The attention to detail was awesome and it was such an amazing game that you can recommend to anyone.


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