Johnny Upgrade Retro Game Review - Dante

 Johnny Upgrade, a Cool Math Game Classic. It's a 2D platformer where you have to collect coins to then upgrade your stats. You have to defeat the evil robot boss.

Your mission in the game? Save The World.

You are greeted by some badass music and some buttons to press. Press play and begin your adventure to save the world.

You will not be able to move for the first run because you have no speed. But you gain speed the next go you have, and you keep on gaining speed until you have jump and this continues for a short period as you progress. The game will highlight the upgrades you can get.

You will continue upgrading until you fight the main boss, Robot.

The graphics are very simplistic with no 3D aspect, but makes up for that in blasts of energy from your gun. It makes it easier to get across without having to avoid enemies but you have to save for a lot in order to get the ammo required. It only takes 4 hits with the gun to defeat the boss but before you will have to dodge all of its attacks and be quick with the fire.

Once you defeat the boss, you will get a credit scene with johnny flying away and saving the day.

The game is really good and I would recommend it to anyone who likes a retro stat builder.

I would highly suggest that anyone who likes 2D platformers to play this and then see about anything close to it to then get back into games. Its such fun.


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