
Showing posts from November, 2023

Reflect 30th November - Dante

I have done many things this week, I have completed my second assignment by creating an idea for a digital product, I chose to do energy drinks being sold online. I wrote about other brands and how they advertise to their intended target audience, and the brands I wrote about where 'PRIME' and 'Monster Energy'. I talked about how Monster advertises with game companies like Activision using the Call Of Duty game franchise. The amount of people online playing on the Call Of Duty franchise exceeds 20 million maybe more, which is mind blowing in my eye. I then talked about how PRIME advertises to its target audience and how their influence across social media helped largely to increase its popularity. The fact that two video makers became such an popular and successful brands gives me hope for future generations, it shows that you don't need to be extremely intelligent to become successful in life. I also talked about how they use their influence to bond relationships w

25th November Blog - Dante

 While I was at home, I looked out my room and this gave me some creepy vibes when just looking down. This reminds me of abandoned houses in horror games what leave you at a hall  way waiting to be jump scared. It interested me on how any day to day image could turn into a horror show. I definitely like the atmosphere it created with the light being from where the camera is. It reminds me of fog, in the way that where you stand in the fog you can see where you stand but you cannot see up ahead giving that unknown element. In horror games like 'Slender-Man' it does the same feature where you can see up to a certain degree and that narrows the first person perspective giving that tension builder. Another picture I took was one of the outside when the sun was slowly setting the scene for people to get tired and sleep. It was nice view to see and a good time to capture it. I honestly liked the colour scheme the sun-setting gives off. Going from a nice bright sky to a dark, misty lo

Terraria Review: Retro Game Coursework.

Terraria is a 2D action adventure game that is set to be a sandbox type game. The game was released on May 16 2011. And you may be wondering, Terraria isn't a retro game, well I beg to differ. Terraria is a game that takes 2D to a new level when it comes to gameplay. It brings over 10 bosses and more than 200 enemies to fight. When the game first released it looked bland and really boring, but when you got further in the game it becomes clear that you need to take your time as this was no easy game to beat. It is a game that makes you feel comfortable at day, but paranoid at night due to the random boss spawns that can occur. When you gather ore from caves and the underground, it becomes clear that you are most certainly not alone, you hear zombies and skeletons and sometimes different biome dungeons. You have to have to be smart and thoughtful of your actions if you want to survive. The overall gameplay if very smooth with the guide there as a walking talking tutorial. It's a

Balloon Tower Defense Review

 Retro Game Review: Made within the 2000's, Balloon Tower Defense made a name for its self rather quickly becoming a highly trending game within the children community. Its comes with a bright and colourful main screen that also advertises more games made by the same people as a little feature. The main game its self was easy enough to understand but the main issue I have for the game is that it comes with a few bugs. When I wanted to pick a monkey to upgrade, there was a screen in the way but got past that fairly easy. There is no storyline to this game only a chill back experience for people who want to become overpowered quickly to feel good. The quality is as you would expect from an old game by not being 3D and having minimal options to choose from. It gives a basic GUI which makes it easy to read but makes it bland compared to the future generations of the game. It gives multiple options when choosing a monkey to help fight but for me it wasn't enough. As you get further

20th November - Dante

 So far i have started an assignment Unit 3&4 - Understanding an Audience. i am at the moment focusing on 1.2 as i have done the research needed to think about how the two digital products advertise to their target audience. I chose Spotify and Canva as they are two very different products but they advertise very similarly. I explained what Canva is and how it's a products for designers trying to seek out easy but easy to professionalize their design. I wrote about how Spotify is a online music streaming service that provides recommendations for new songs through lots of use. It was really easy as the internet was there for me to do some secondary research to find out how Canva advertises and what Spotify does to keep its good reputation across the internet. I wrote about both their income and how they quickly rose to fame. I wrote about who their target audience is and how they advertise to their needs. Both target a variety but stay in a category. Spotify targets people who l