Weekly Update 19th-25th
We done a lot this week, much around the subject of audio. It was a fun topic to learn and experiment with due to the given freedom over the levels of development included within it. We started learning about Foley sounds and how people make certain sounds from everyday natural things. For example, rain could be either bacon sizzling or rice being shaken. Any one of these can be made just by using objects around us. We as a class we’re set to find 10 sounds around the college without disturbing other classes. We all scoped the entire area. Some collected more than 10 such as I and pick out the best, whereas others kept it in that range. I also messed around a bit more on flowlab looking around at other games on the site to see what was at the top. This gave me some insight on how I could possibly make a demo level/level more enjoyable than just some boring walk about coin picker. Some other cool things were that when messing around with audio on some sites I have already given a l...